Complete the Picture of Property Ownership and Empower Your Land Strategy

With our Property Research Support Service, Commercial Portfolio Support, and Property Data Services, we can help you unlock the hidden potential of your properties and make informed decisions about their environmental impact.

Real Estate and Property Services

  • Property Research Support Service

    Our comprehensive property research support services can help ease the workload burden on your commercial, legal, and claims teams. Our team of experts can help you prepare property research summaries, analyze information related to the chain of ownership, identify historical and current activity, and identify potential and recognized environmental concerns.

  • Property Data Services

    Our portfolio-wide data analytics can help identify and address any data gaps in support of your commercialization or alternative land use strategies. We can research and analyze datasets for auxiliary and supplemental information that could have potential impacts on your sites. This includes national datasets covering Oil & Gas operations, regulatory agencies to identify open and historical environmental cases, utilities, zoning, floodplains, endangered species, critical habitats, wetlands, and demographics. We can compile these key facts into a centralized data model to enable portfolio wide analytics, and support the overall long-term data management strategy.

  • Commercial Portfolio Support

    Our team can support your potential commercialization or reuse activities by providing ‘one-pagers’ of summarized key data that enables a concise view of your property, any known environmental concerns, and potential marketability. We can help you create footprint mapping of owned properties by digitizing boundaries from historical documents or from county assessor websites. We also provide property and land strategy consulting to help you manage vendors used to accomplish specific goals.