Now Accepting Claims - MI UST Cleanup Fund

Michigan Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund Now Accepting Claims

Michigan’s new LUST cleanup reimbursement program is in full swing for all new releases reported after December 30, 2014.  Pinnacle’s experience with Michigan’s former reimbursement programs provides us with unique insight into some differences with the new program.  Here are just a few things to keep in mind if you are considering seeking reimbursement in Michigan.

  • Releases must be reported within 24 hours after discovery.

  • Documentation of Financial Responsibility (FR) is required.  There are some eligibility implications relating to the FR mechanism used.

  • Competitive bidding may be required for certain work scopes in order to maintain eligibility of the associated costs.

  • Some applicants may qualify to buy-down their deductible amount each year if they meet certain criteria.  Hurry – the deadline to buy-down deductible amounts for 2016 is January 31, 2016!

Michigan’s new UST Cleanup Fund has forms and procedures that are different from past programs.  Pinnacle can guide applicants through the eligibility process, determine any possible implications relating to the FR mechanism in place, advise as to when bid procedures must be followed, and take care of submitting costs for reimbursement.

Contact Pinnacle today for additional information and to get started with filing for reimbursement in Michigan!

Have a question about how this new program can provide financial assistance to you? Contact Lori Collazo, Michigan Program Manager, at 954-977-3775, ext. 119

Hannah Pomphrey
Owned and operated by Hannah Pomphrey, Designer and Creative Consultant. Hue & Tone specializes in print and web design for small businesses and non-profits.

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IL Leaking Underground Storage Tank Fund - News & Information